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“Witness on Hot Seat: DOJ Prosecutor Accused of Limiting Biden Questions in Hunter Probe Prepares for Deposition

According to reports, a senior Department of Justice (DoJ) prosecutor that allegedly limited questions surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden during the probe of his son Hunter Biden is expected to give a deposition next week. This will mark the first time the DoJ’s lead prosecutor in the case, Jeff Jensen, will answer questions in a deposition on the controversial matter. Jensen was appointed by former Attorney General Bill Barr and led the Hunter Biden investigation, which the DoJ said was closed without any charges being filed. The deposition comes as part of a civil case brought by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who represented former President Donald Trump during the controversies surrounding the effort to use Ukraine to dig up information on his Democratic rivals. The DoJ has maintained its prosecutor acted ethically and properly. However, many people have alleged that Jensen prevented agents from questioning the former vice president and concealed the investigation from the public in order to protect Biden. After accusations of political interference and a Department of Justice probe opened in May, Giuliani later sued, claiming the DoJ was pressuring Jensen to stifle the probe. Giuliani has argued the case is an example of the DoJ’s double standards. He claims the pair was treated differently due to their political affiliation and that if the roles were reversed, the investigation would have gone public. The time of the deposition, as well as specific details, remain unclear. It is believed the DoJ will not disclose these details until the session has been completed. As the Deputy Attorney General for the recording stated, “The Department of Justice is committed to conducting itself in accordance with the highest ethical standards and to fulfill its responsibility to protect the integrity of the criminal justice system.” As based on the recent developments of this case, it is clear that the DoJ is taking the accusations of improper behavior seriously by ordering for the deposition to take place. As this case continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how the results of Jensen’s deposition impacts the investigation and its findings.