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Revised Title: Crackdown on Iran-Backed Militia Groups: Urge Biden’s Administration to Take Action!

The mutual hostility between Iran and the United States has been a major security concern for the West and the Middle East for years. In a unilateral bipartisan effort, US Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) have recently introduced a resolution urging the Biden administration to take action in combating Iranian-backed militia groups in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. The resolution states that Iran has been taking advantage of the volatile political situation in the Middle East and fueling the Syrian conflict to further its strategic interests. It also highlights the fact that the Islamic Republic has been providing military supplies and financial support to various anti-Israel proxies in the region, including Lebanese Hezbollah, Palestinian Hamas, and Iraqi militia groups. The resolution calls for stricter economic sanctions, military operations, and diplomacy to deter Iran from further expanding its capabilities in the region. It also urges the Biden administration to ensure US commitment to its allies, especially Israel, in the face of these potential security threats. Moreover, it asks the US State Department to denounce Hezbollah’s violations of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, and to push for an international coalition against militia groups backed by Tehran. This resolution is an indication of both Democrats and Republicans working together in the pursuit of a common goal. It shows how both parties can come together and agree on taking collective and constructive measures to tackle the issues that threaten both American and regional security. The Biden administration has yet to make a statement on the resolution, but it is expected that it will take a firm stance on the issue and take the appropriate steps to ensure that Iran is held accountable for its actions. The joint resolution serves as a reminder that no matter the political differences, both parties can join forces in challenging real-world problems.