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“Celebrities Grabbed By the Horns: Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee, Jermaine Jackson Facing Sex Abuse Lawsuits in California!

Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee, Jermaine Jackson Hit With Sex Abuse Lawsuits Under California’s Accountability Law Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee, and Jermaine Jackson are the latest celebrities to be hit with sex abuse lawsuits due to the recently enacted California law called the Eliminating Barriers for Survivors :Entertainment Accountability Act (SB 822). The act specifically states that employers and organizations must provide an avenue of recourse for victims of sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and other forms of abuse. The allegations against Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee, and Jermaine Jackson were published in the Los Angeles Times in December 2020. The Times reported that these three celebrities had been accused of abusing multiple people, including minors. The accusers claim to have been traumatized by the treatment they received from the celebrities. In addition to the lawsuits, the accusers are seeking compensation for the alleged abuse. The new legislation was enacted in September 2020 and included language that makes it easier for victims to seek justice and damages in cases involving celebrities or high-level executives. The law is also an attempt to hold employers accountable for the abuse that takes place in the workplace. The law states that employers must implement policies and procedures to prevent abuse in the workplace. In California, the law requires employers to conduct an internal investigation when abuse is alleged. Employers must also provide written confirmation of an investigation with the accuser when providing payment for damages. The statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit under the law is five years. This means that victims have five years to come forward and file a lawsuit against their abuser. The five-year statute was implemented to protect victims who may not have come forward yet due to fear of reprisal or the fear of not being believed. The law also provides protection for those who file a lawsuit. Victims can receive up to $500,000 in damages. The law also affords victims the opportunity to have their anonymous identities restored so that they can seek justice without fear of being identified. The recent filing of lawsuits against Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee, and Jermaine Jackson is a stark reminder that victims of abuse cannot and should not suffer in silence. It is also a reminder that employers must do their part to protect victims by implementing policies and procedures to detect and prevent any form of abuse in the workplace. Lastly, it is a reminder that the new California’s law is an important step in creating a safe and supportive workplace and holding accountable those who abuse their power.