Now this looks like a job for me; So everybody, just follow me; ‘Cause we need a little controversy; ‘Cause it feels so empty without me*
Since John called me out in public to start re-posting and then started while I was at an administrative retreat…well played John…I’m back!
When John and I started Env-Econ in 2005, our goal was to help bring economic thinking to environmental issues in a fun, casual way that is accessible to non-academic audiences. Over the years I think we accomplished a lot of what we set out to do, but things started to get a little stale (probably because John and I both took the leap into academic administration and lost touch with some of the advances in the field of environmental economics). But I’m pleased to say that my 13 year sentence term as department chair is coming to an end soon and I’m ready to start spouting a few smart things and a lot of stupid ones again. Only this time I’m going to be learning along with you all.
Some of what we say will probably be repetitive from Env-Econ 1.0. Some will be new. And hopefully all will be entertaining. If nothing else I get to start making fun of John again in public.