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“Republicans Stunned by Biden’s Ukraine and Hamas-Israel Talk: ‘Unbelievable'”.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden gave his first major Oval Office speech since his inauguration, making a case for the American people’s foreign policy interests. One particular topic that received a lot of attention was the war between Israel and Hamas, which has been ongoing since the early 2000s. In his speech, Biden shared his views on the conflict and expressed his condemnation for any Palestinian attacks on Israel. He also discussed the need for international pressure to end the violence and highlighted the role of the United States in that regard. In response to Biden’s speech, Republican lawmakers have reacted strongly. Representative Mac Thornberry of Texas said that Biden’s remarks were “unbelievable” and that it was “unacceptable” for the President to suggest that the United States could influence the outcome of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Thornberry went on to criticize Biden’s comments on the Ukraine, since the President had expressed his hope that Putin would intervene in the conflict with Russia’s involvement. He argued that it was inappropriate for Biden to hope for the support of a government that has recently been accused of aggressive actions towards Ukraine. Other Republicans also expressed their unhappiness with the President’s remarks, noting his lack of action on the issues involving China and North Korea. They argued that the United States should not be divided by foreign policy disagreements and should instead focus on cooperation between political parties in order to strengthen the nation’s international standing. It is clear that there are significant disagreements between Republicans and Democrats over foreign policy issues, including the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. With the Biden administration’s global agenda still in its early stages, it will be interesting to see how the two sides’ views evolve over time. For now, it is clear that the situation remains deeply divided.