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Lindsey Graham Warns Against Turkey Becoming the ‘Terror of NATO’ After Erdogan Labels Israel a ‘War Criminal’

Senator Lindsey Graham made a statement on the present situation in Turkey, saying that the country was becoming the ‘Squad of NATO’ after President Erdogan called Israel a war criminal. The Senator also highlighted the risk posed by the increasingly Islamist orientation of the government in Ankara. Turkey is an important member of the NATO alliance and is widely considered to be the center of the faith-based organization. Despite that, the country has recently come to be seen as an unreliable and authoritarian regime by many in the alliance, particularly after Erdogan’s recent criticisms of Israel. Several other nations in the alliance have also leveled similar criticisms of the Turkish leader, although none have gone so far as to describe him as a war criminal. Senator Graham’s statement about Turkey becoming the ‘Squad of NATO’ expresses his immense concern over the growing authoritarianism in the country. He claims that the country is increasingly heading in an Islamist direction and is becoming a serious risk factor to the alliance. The Senator specifically points to Erdogan’s recent comments about Israel and other criticisms of the Jewish state as a particularly troubling sign. The Senator has looked to combat this trend by encouraging the US and other allies within the NATO alliance to take a unified stance against the government in Ankara. He is adamant that the alliance must speak with a single voice against any further authoritarian actions and must hold those responsible to account accordingly. It remains to be seen if this unified stance will be successful in countering Turkish policies and in curbing authoritarianism in the country. In any case, Senator Graham’s comment serves as a powerful reminder of the need for more constructive dialogue and accountability within the NATO alliance. Without it, the risk of further ruptures in Turkey and other surrounding regions will only increase.