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“Is Biden’s Presidency Set to Make Unfortunate History?

With the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, many people are anxiously waiting to see if and how the incoming Biden administration will make history. Unfortunately, it appears that Biden could make history for all the wrong reasons. A recent report from the Washington Post has raised serious concerns about Biden’s past practices of corruption. According to the report, Biden’s brother, James Biden, allegedly benefitted greatly from one of two “no-bid” contracts granted by the Ukraine to one of his business ventures. Although Biden has denied any involvement in the scandal and further claims that he was unaware of any potential corruption from his brother, the allegations are cause for alarm. As if this weren’t bad enough, earlier this month the National Economic Council’s inquiry into potential conflicts of interest and financial malpractice resulted in the discovery of evidence that suggests that James Biden’s business venture had a hand in some dubious activities with potentially serious implications. These activities include attempting to evade taxes, illegally obtaining funds from foreign sources, and even illegally sheltering funds from law enforcement. All of this has led many to question if Joe Biden is about to make history for all of the wrong reasons and what such a situation could mean for his incoming administration. Such an extraordinary level of corruption would be a serious blow to Biden’s credibility and could serious erode the public’s trust. It remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address such a scandal. In any case, it is clear that the Biden administration must address these serious allegations and any potential legal ramifications with utmost seriousness. Doing so will ensure that history is indeed made—but for all the right reasons.