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“Outraged Over a Shockingly Inappropriate Use of an Israeli Child as Palestinian Civilian Casualty Exhibit

The tragic image of a murdered Israeli child, taken from an attack that was carried out by Palestinian assailants, has recently been used by a U.N. exhibition in an attempt to solidify the Palestinian narrative as civilian victims in the conflict. The horrific Israeli attack took place on November 18th, 2015 in a residential neighborhood in Tel Aviv. The teenager responsible for the attack had killed four Israeli citizens and injured 21 others. The U.N. exhibition, which is meant to tell the story of the Palestinian people, includes an image of the Israeli child, Ori Ansbacher, with the caption “Palestinian Civilian Casualty” underneath it. The usage of Ori Ansbacher’s image has caused outrage amongst Israelis and Jewish organizations around the world, many of whom have accused the exhibition of displaying an anti-Israel agenda. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the usage of Ori Ansbacher’s image, stating that “The use of this picture, which represents a heinous terror attack in which an 18-year old Israeli girl was brutally murdered, is a blatant attempt to rewrite history and promote a false narrative.” The U.N. has since apologized for the usage of the image and has removed it from the exhibition. This incident has highlighted the fact that the U.N. is still embroiled in a decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Despite the apology given by the U.N., it is clear that there is still a long way to go towards finding a peaceful resolution to the issue. Ori Ansbacher’s family has emphasized a message of understanding despite the horrors of this incident, stating that while they condemn the actions of the U.N., they hope that her death will “serve as a symbol for the values of peace, tolerance, and understanding that Ori believed in.” May we all honor her memory by striving to find a way forward that ensures peace between Israel and Palestine.