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“2025: Europe’s Delayed Travel Dream Fulfilled!

The European Union’s vision of a multi-country travelling system has once again been postponed, this time to the year 2025. Initially promised to be ready by 2020, the ambitious project which seeks to make travel between its member states easier has seen multiple delays. This concerted effort, aimed at improving the quality of travel for citizens of the EU, will enable them to travel between member states within the Schengen area without a visa and without the need for passport checks. As of present, travelers are still subjected to stringent traditional passport control measures and other related restrictions. The setback this time around was due to unforeseen resistance from a few EU members that are seen as lagging behind in their commitment to put the plan into action. This was stated by three top EU officials in a press conference on Tuesday, where they also said that there was an urgent need to reconsider their approach in order to keep the project on track. The new travel system, expected to streamline border crossings and reduce bureaucracy, has been seen as a revolution of sorts in its aims to make traveling between member countries within the EU easier and more efficient. It has been widely welcomed by the general public, who have long felt hampered by the bureaucracy and red tape of the traditional visa and passport control systems. The escalating political tension between certain EU members, however, has tempered the enthusiasm. Recent problems have only served as additional setbacks in the already slow progress towards establishing a successful travel system within the Union. The EU and its members are now being forced to reassess and recalibrate the entire project in order to get it back on track. Many are skeptical that the set date of 2025 will be met, yet still hopeful that the vision of an efficient travel system between European countries can be achieved.