Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” by Desvousges, Mathews and Train: (6) Are the DMT (2015) data problems typical in other CVM studies?
In Whitehead (2020) I describe the problems in the DMT (2015) data. It is full of non-monotonicities, flat portions of bid curves and fat tails. A non-monotonicity is when the percentage of respondents in favor of a policy increases when
The Information Value of Pigouvian Pricing
I recently read an article in the journal Economics and Philosophy, written by Lisa Herzog, which has nothing whatsoever to do with environmental economics but nonetheless I think has interesting implications for it and for Pigouvian pricing in particular. In case
Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” by Desvousges, Mathews and Train (the correction)
As described in the introduction of my (draft) "Reply to 'Reply to Whitehead'", I suspect that I have used the incorrect confidence intervals when analyzing the Desvousges, Mathews and Train (2015) data. Park, Loomis and Creel (1991) introduced the Krinsky-Robb
Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” by Desvousges, Mathews and Train (an introduction)
Desvousges, Mathews and Train (Land Economics, 2015) use the contingent valuation method (CVM) to conduct an adding-up test (i.e., does WTPA + WTPB = WTPA+B?). They use the nonparametric Turnbull estimator and find that the data do not pass the
My comment on the Desvousges, Mathews and Train (2015) adding-up test article has been published at Ecological Economics
I first wrote about this in September 2016. I then submitted the comment to Land Economics. The editor sent me the results of an internal review and I revised it accordingly. Then he sent it out for external review and
Teaching environmental and resource economics: A bibliography
Alden, Dave. "Experience with scripted role play in environmental economics." The Journal of Economic Education 30, no. 2 (1999): 127-132. Anderson, Soren T., and Michael D. Bates. "Hedonic prices and equilibrium sorting in housing markets: A classroom simulation." National Tax Journal