The Nobel for Government Intervention: Bernanke and Others Rewarded for Flawed Theories
This year's trio of Nobel winners in economics are short on actual economics and long on government intervention. Original Article: "The Nobel for Government Intervention: Bernanke and Others Rewarded for Flawed Theories" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
How We Win
Recorded at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona on October 7th, 2022.
Profits Do Not Cause Inflation (No Matter What Progressives Claim)
The economic burden of inflation continues to ravage economies around the world. From the US to the UK to the eurozone, people are finding that the money in their wallets and bank accounts buys less and less every month. As
Dr. Ella F. Washington: The Very Strong Business Case For Diversity
There is a threshold of diversity below which no organization can operate with complete effectiveness. Diversity in this sense does not only include the “Big 3” DEI elements of race gender and sexual orientation, but also education, experiential background, business
The Beginning
Sponsored by Diane Johnson and Andy Hord. Recorded at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona on October 7th, 2022.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Was Created by Political Intervention
The European electricity market is probably the most state-regulated in the world. More intervention is not going to solve the problems created by politics. Original Article: "Europe's Energy Crisis Was Created by Political Intervention" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
The Mises Institute as an Intellectual Home
Featuring Tho Bishop, Liam Metzger, Connor Mortell, Mitchell Robson, and Annika Wahlstedt. Recorded at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona on October 7th, 2022.
Law, Praxeology, and Unintended Moral Decay
Murray Rothbard explained in Man, Economy, and State that praxeology is the “general, formal theory of human action” and that economics is the only subdivision of knowledge to have been fully elaborated by praxeological methods. However, he contended that those
The Political History of Money
[Originally published by Law and Liberty.] Those who fail to study the intellectual debates of the past are condemned to repeat them,” is a variation on Santayana’s famous dictum particularly applicable to economics and monetary theory, where ideas cycle along with
Gold as Natural Money
Gold historically has not been money by government fiat. Instead, gold has been the natural choice of people for money, something governments cannot undo (despite its best efforts). Original Article: "Gold as Natural Money" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher