Higher Education in Crisis: The Problem of Ideological Homogeneity
In my second article on the college problem, I discussed the public policy factors that contribute to the rising cost of higher education. But politics makes its way into education through more than public policy, as professors bring their political
Higher Education Woes: Student Loans Help Fuel Higher College Costs
While President Biden claims that forgiving student loans helps reduce college costs, it is the loan program itself that is responsible for much of the explosive growth of higher education spending. Original Article: "Higher Education Woes: Student Loans Help Fuel Higher
A Commonsense Approach to the Austrian-Mainstream Methodenstreit
Mainstream economists claim that Austrian economics is "discredited" because Austrians use deductive reasoning instead of employing complicated calculus and statistics. The irony is that Austrian analysis is better at explaining real-world economic phenomena. Original Article: "A Commonsense Approach to the Austrian-Mainstream Methodenstreit" This
What Do Supply and Demand Curves Really Tell Us? Not Very Much
It is commonly held that prices of goods and services can produced by means of supply and demand curves. These curves describe the relationship between the prices and the quantity of goods supplied and demanded. Within the framework of supply-demand curves,
Fed Socialist Money Manipulation Cancels Individuals’ Better Judgment
When a person is free to work, shop, and invest, he brings to each task his knowledge from doing the other tasks. As he works, he has a sense of what it takes to please customers, because he’s also a
Austrian Economics Makes Managers Better
Recorded at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona on October 7th, 2022.
The Turkish Way
Turkey's economy is reeling under inflation rates likely reaching 170 percent. Not surprisingly, the worst of it is felt by regular people just trying to make a living. Original Article: "The Turkish Way" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
Bernanke’s Sordid Nobel Prize
Dr. Bob Murphy and Jeff Deist discuss the nauseating elevation of former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke to Nobel Prize winner.
The Left’s Attacks on Mises Continue to Miss
Matt McManus, a lecturer at the University of Michigan, has published in Jacobin an article under the less-than-engaging title “Ludwig von Mises Was a Free-Market Ideologue, Not a Hardheaded Thinker.” In the article, McManus raises some points of philosophical interest,
Edward Chancellor’s Much-Needed (But Not Heeded) Wisdom on Interest Rates
The subject of time and money has hit a boiling point. Just look at Sri Lanka and Iran, where food riots have turned deadly, or, shall we say, currency riots have. People can’t buy food, and “protesters angry at the