We Cannot Understand Truth and Beauty without Taking Praxeology into Account
The architect Frank Lloyd Wright played an important role in the design of this beautiful desert resort. I’m sure I’m not the only person here tonight who was introduced to his work through reading Ayn Rand. His touches are plainly
College as an Economic and Social Problem: Dealing with the Culture
Jeff Deist recently posed the question “Is College Worth It?” My first thought when I opened the article was that he could have reduced the entire piece to a single word: “no.” This cynicism might seem odd coming from somebody
Allen Mendenhall: Putting Humanness and Ethics Back Into Business Economics
We are living through a particularly bad moment in history for free markets and capitalism. Government, not business, is promoted as the solution to all problems. Young people have never known any other environment, and one of the consequences is
It’s All about the Benjamins: Why the Dollar Determines US Policies
The US dollar is not the world's "reserve" currency because of responsibility on behalf of the monetary authorities. Instead, the dollar's "strength" wages from the USA's self-appointed role as the world's protector. Original Article: "It's All about the Benjamins: Why the Dollar
The Turkish Way
The Wall Street Journal reported on September 22 that Turkey’s central bank cut that country’s benchmark interest rate to 12 percent from 13 percent, pushing the Turkish lira lower as much as 0.4 percent against the dollar to a new
Ben Bernanke’s Nobel Prize: The Committee Rewards an Arsonist for Claiming to Fight the Fire He Started
Along with Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig, Ben Bernanke was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics today. The three have written extensively on the need to bail out the banks in times when the economy is in corrective mode, generally
The Fraudulent Social Contract of Bad Money Regimes
Progressives are fond of telling us that we are under a "social contract" with the government, in effect justifying whatever abuses authorities inflict. Putting up with massive inflation is the latest iteration of this so-called contract. Original Article: "The Fraudulent Social
Has the USA Reached Another Historical Inflection Point?
“At the rate things are going, we are all going to end up working for the Japanese.” —Lester Thurow, MIT economist, 1989 “The United States is rapidly becoming a colony of Japan.” —Congresswoman Helen Bentley, 1990 “The Japanese can buy our buildings, our Wall
Regime Pseudoscientists Enforce Climate Change Narrative
Although the field of experimental psychology has a very dubious track record in meeting scientific standards, it is nevertheless continually used to discredit the views of select subjects under study. It does this by pathologizing said subjects and their views.
Escaping Russia’s Military Draft Is an Act of Self-Defense
Fortunately, the world is composed of many separate states, which enables "disobedient" residents in one state to escape to others, and fleeing conscription is merely an act of self-defense. Original Article: "Escaping Russia's Military Draft Is an Act of Self-Defense" This Audio Mises