In Latest Recession Signal, Money-Supply Growth Plummeted to a Three-Year Low in August
The money supply is on a long and fast downward trajectory. This points toward recession and is just one more indicator of economic weakness in addition to negative GDP and an inverted yield curve. Original Article: "In Latest Recession Signal, Money-Supply Growth
How to Do Economics
[Chapter 3 of Per Bylund's new book How to Think about the Economy: A Primer.] Economics is often faulted for being “ideological”—for promoting free markets. This is a misunderstanding. The free market in economics is a model—an analytical tool. It excludes complicating circumstances and
Hazlitt’s Lesson Restated: New Jersey’s Disastrous Ban on Single-Use Plastic
New Jersey became one of the latest states in 2022 to ban single-use bags. In 2014, California became the first state to ban of use plastic bags. Since then, several states have followed including New York, Oregon, and Washington for
Biggar Thy Neighbor
Is there a case for an American empire? Professor Nigel Biggar of Oxford University believes so, but David Gordon sets him straight. Original Article: "Biggar Thy Neighbor" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
An Economic Perspective on Accusing Political Opponents of Racism
Allegedly, Republicans appeal to racism via “dog whistles” or the “Southern Strategy” and the like, but that brings up the question, “Do Republicans have an economic incentive to appeal to racists?” If racism is a “winning” issue, why don’t Republicans win
Obama’s Forgotten Child Hunger Debacle
Barack Obama promised to "end child hunger" by 2015. Michelle Obama promised to end childhood obesity. Unfortunately, both increased in large part because of the Obama programs. Today, President Biden will declare war on "hunger in America." Stay tuned. Original Article:
The Front Lines of the Language Wars
Language is the perfect instrument of empire.—Antonio de Nebrija, bishop of Ávila, 1492 The bishop was correct, in his time and ours. Spain proceeded to become the most powerful empire in the world over the following century, spreading her mother tongue
Government Malinvestment Is Endemic and Ceaușescu’s Socialist Romania Excelled in It
Today’s intellectual framework considers government spending to be the solution to any economic and social problem. Be it helicopter money to households and businesses during the pandemic, subsidies for electric cars, or debt forgiveness to students, the government generosity must
Peter Klein: Why Managers Still Matter
Entrepreneurial businesses embrace adaptiveness and change, and continuous innovation enabled by flexible and responsive organizations, empowered at every level. That doesn’t mean there’s no role for managers. Inside the corporation, entrepreneurial management co-ordinates the business flow of responding to changing
Genuine Recovery Is Up to Investors, Producers, and Consumer Choice
Recovery is genuine only when it reaches the masses of individuals. And recovery comes only from the actions of individuals acting in a free market. Original Article: "Genuine Recovery Is Up to Investors, Producers, and Consumer Choice" This Audio Mises Wire is