We Are Not the Government, but America Is No Longer Anything More than the Government
We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people. Murray Rothbard wrote this in his popular Anatomy of the State. His
Environmental and Political Elites Are Destroying Food Production for “Climate” Goals
In the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, a special thematic part was dedicated to anticipating the future on earth in the winter of 2022. The visitors had the opportunity to vote for the topic they find important and
When Class Identity Overpowers Other Identities: Some Lessons from Slavery
The upswing in identity politics has cannibalized the media landscape in a relatively short time because it is fashionable to believe that social ties are built solely on racial and cultural solidarity. Notions of identity have become so ghettoized that
Social Analysis of Three Early 19th Century French Liberals: Say, Comte, and Dunoyer
Abstract: The topic of this paper is the class theory of Jean-Baptiste Say (1767–1832). Charles Comte (1782–1838) and Charles Dunoyer (1786–1862). However, in order to be fully accurate, this title should be qualified in several respects. First, the thinking of
Eat or Heat: Europeans Already Are Facing Previously Unthinkable Dilemmas
The European elites that imposed disastrous covid-19 restrictions, along with "green energy" regimes and sanctions against Russia are now seeing the results of their policies. Original Article: "Eat or Heat: Europeans Already Are Facing Previously Unthinkable Dilemmas" This Audio Mises Wire is
Last Day to Double Your Gift!
The Mises Institute sends a big THANK YOU to everyone who already donated to our Fall Campaign this week. Your support helps us continue to make the sound economic principles of Mises, Hayek, Hazlitt, Hoppe, and Rothbard free to the
Should the Fed Increase the Money Supply in Response to a Growing Economy?
Standard economic theory states that as an economy grows, the money supply should grow with it. Appealing to the Austrian tradition, Frank Shostak shows that belief is mistaken. Original Article: "Should the Fed Increase the Money Supply in Response to a
An Ancient Warning: Criminal Trespass Is the State’s Essential Feature
Whether one takes the Hebrew as literal history or as archetypal fable, there’s no escaping the warnings given to those who reject the private law society. Those warnings are that there is one vile and destructive alternative to the peaceful
To Limit the Reach of America’s Stasi, the FBI, Vacate All FISA Rulings
The FBI’s raid on President Donald J. Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago residence on August 8, 2022, was, as many FBI critics have said, “unprecedented.” Clearly the FBI is out of control (something Mises readers have known for a very long time).
The Economics of War
Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins Jeff and Bob to discuss the economic and political ramifications of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage. Read "The Economics of War" from Human Action: Mises.org/HAP363-1 Read a study Bob co-authored on Europe's energy