Does Capitalism Itself Create Economic Instability or Is Central Banking the Culprit?
Instability in financial markets has brought back the ideas of post-Keynesian school of economics (PK) economist Hyman Minsky. Minsky held that the capitalist economy inherently is unstable, culminating in severe economic crisis, accumulation of debt being the key mechanism pushing
The Enclosure Movement and the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions
While historians paint the enclosure movement in negative terms, it actually played an important role in developing agricultural entrepreneurship. Original Article: "The Enclosure Movement and the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Practicing Politics as Self-Defense
The biggest uncertainty with libertarianism is not whether it is moral but whether it is achievable. Some form of libertarianism is what ought to be. Aggressive violence can’t be moral under any circumstances. The state is an institution that relies on
Five Keys to Professional and Personal Development
[This talk was delivered on Friday, September 2, 2022, to a student workshop at the Ron Paul Institute conference in northern Virginia.] The remarks I’ve prepared today relate to your personal and professional development, which are of course closely interrelated. This is
Three Cheers for Hoppe
The leftist rag Mother Jones doesn’t like Blake Masters, the Republican nominee for the US Senate from Arizona. It’s no surprise that this magazine would oppose a conservative candidate, but according to the author of the piece, Noah Lanard, Masters is guilty
The Fed Is Wrong to Make Policies Based upon the Phillips Curve
Adherents of the famous Phillips curve believe there is a permanent tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. This is mistaken. Original Article: "The Fed Is Wrong to Make Policies Based upon the Phillips Curve" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
War and Competition between States
Competition between Primitive Communities and Its Results As population began to outgrow the means of subsistence, which mankind had not yet learned to increase by artificial methods, primitive society was compelled to choose between the elimination of excess population, or the
Declassify Everything!
“Follow the money.” This is a common watchword among those distrustful of the state. If you want to know what politicians or state institutions are really up to, the common wisdom goes, you have to stop listening to what statists
How Monarchs Became Servants of the State
Monarchs created Europe's modern states but lost the ability to control them. Then, having grown beyond the tools that helped monarchs turn themselves into absolute rulers, "the state acquired a life of its own." Original Article: "How Monarchs Became Servants of the State" This
Germany’s (and Europe’s) Self-Inflicted Upcoming Energy Crunch
At the end of September 2021, the Nord Stream 2 project was a reality after many years of uncertainty. At that time, there were only a few more regulatory hurdles remaining for Germany and Russia to seal the deal on