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People usually don’t study the philosopher George Santayana very much today, and he was not a libertarian, but rather a “skeptical conservative.” Ludwig von Mises took him seriously, though, and often quotes him, though sometimes to disagree; and in this

When it comes to energy and the environment, Americans not only get the wrong facts, arguments, and narratives–they get the wrong philosophy. Alex Epstein, who recently published perhaps the most important book of our time, joins Jeff and Bob to

Anyone who doubts whether we are in a recession can stop doubting. The Fed's reverse repos show that we're headed for a crash. Original Article: "The Great Crash of 2022" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. 

Many people know how to earn money, but few are aware of what the Federal Reserve System, acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, is doing to their money. It is inflating and depreciating the dollar at various rates—at double-digit