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Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost examine some reasons why early Americans hated the idea of a professional standing army, and some of the tactics used to decentralize military power in the US and Switzerland. Recommended Reading "Why We Can't Ignore the Militia Clause

Strange how campaign season leads to the usual political drama over taxes. Republicans have learned the hard way that they should never raise them, at least not in ways that are noticeable. They accuse Democrats of plotting secret increases. The

With a few exceptions contemporary commentators on economic problems are advocating economic intervention. This unanimity does not necessarily mean that they approve of interventionistic measures by government or other coer­cive powers. Authors of economics books, essays, articles, and political platforms

Progressives have long pushed for a state dominated by a new class of "scientific" experts who are supposedly nonpolitical and pursuing only "good government." It's a fantasy many people still believe.  Original Article: "Why Progressives Love Government 'Experts'" This Audio Mises Wire is