Is It Real Money or Just Artifice?
In his 1884 article “Mind as a Social Factor,” Lester F. Ward attacked the laissez-faire doctrine in an “inversion of values” that would have made Friedrich Nietzsche blush. “But how shall we distinguish,” Ward asked, this human, or anthropic, method from
Karl Marx Was Not an Economist
Karl Marx may have been a philosopher or just someone with an opinion. He was not, however, an economist. Original Article: "Karl Marx Was Not an Economist" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Politics Is Turning Us into Idiots
Political correctness in Western societies fosters polarization and a toxic culture of ignorance. Although people are rightly outraged by the cancellation of prominent figures, the most glaring consequence of political correctness is the proliferation of ignorance. When speakers are cancelled
Economics from the Ground Up: Intellectual Community in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The Ralph Raico Memorial Commencement Lecture. Recorded at the 2023 Austrian Economics Research Conference hosted at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, March 16–18, 2023. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, bringing together leading
Did Colonialism Impoverish Africa and Asia? Perhaps Not
Decolonization is a popular academic and media buzzword. But is colonialism actually responsible for poverty in developing countries? This question deserves an honest answer. Original Article: "Did Colonialism Impoverish Africa and Asia? Perhaps Not" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
Is the Fed Trying to Bail Out the World? Sure Looks Like It
The collapse of Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse recently was a catastrophe long in the making. A quick perusal of the bank’s financial statements from recent years shows that we’re dealing with something analogous to a classic bank run. Credit
Worldwide Protests against Involvement in Ukraine: Will Governments Listen?
As the war in Ukraine drags on into its second year, protest demonstrations have been taking place in major European cities. They express the growing sentiment that the people are tired of the protracted conflict and fearful of what could
To Fight the State, Build Alternatives to the State
Throughout its history, liberalism—the ideology today called “classical liberalism” or “libertarianism”—has suffered from the impression that it is primarily against things. This is not entirely wrong. Historically, liberalism coalesced as a recognizable and coherent ideology in opposition largely to mercantilism
Graceann Bennett: Brands Are Value-Generating Assets, Marketing Is Just Tactics
Peter Drucker famously identified the only two value-generating functions of the firm as innovation and marketing. We propose to differentiate brand building (or branding) from marketing, especially in this digital age. Brands are the vehicle for framing, establishing, nurturing and
American Dissident: The Legacy of Murray Rothbard
Murray Rothbard was an elite economist, historian, and avowed enemy of the state. His legacy lives on nearly three decades after his untimely passing. Original Article: "American Dissident: The Legacy of Murray Rothbard" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.