Chapter 11: Erecting the American System: Sectional Fissures
Part IV: The Era of Corruption, 1817–1829. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Chapter 9: President Madison: The Empire of Power
Part III: The Failed Jeffersonian Revolution, 1801–1817. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Chapter 12: The Culmination of The American System: Enlarging the Empire
Part IV: The Era of Corruption, 1817–1829. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Chapter 1: The Path to American Independence
Part I: The Road to Empire, 1607–1790. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Introduction to Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early America, 1607–1849. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early America, 1607–1849 Audiobook
History is a clash between the forces of liberty and the proponents of power. In Cronyism, Patrick Newman offers a compelling and important narrative on the early days of the American republic, and the rise of a Federal regime that
Chapter 8: President Jefferson: The Corruption of Land
Part III: The Failed Jeffersonian Revolution, 1801–1817. Narrated by Scott R. Pollack
Report from Canada: The Regime Is Lying about the Truckers
Here in Canada, the trucker protesters (and their supporters) have been civil and maintained the usual Canadian niceness. This civility has not been reciprocated by the political class. Original Article: "Report from Canada: The Regime Is Lying about the Truckers" This Audio
Inflation: Who or What Is the Culprit?
Inflation—defined herein as a widespread increase in the prices of widely purchased consumer goods—has gotten worse since I commented on it last spring. According to the official Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation is currently running at 7.5 percent year over year—the highest since
No, the US Supreme Court Is Not a Meritocracy
With President Joe Biden’s nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court, the usual suspects are weighing in with the usual rhetoric about the candidate. In nominating Jackson, who is black, Biden declared: I believe it's time that we have