The Virginia Elections Showed Some Parents Are Seeing How Bad the Government Schools Really Are
If there’s one political fight worth seeing through, it’s the crusade against government schooling. Many parents in Virginia may have started to see just how important the fight has become. Original Article: "The Virginia Elections Showed Some Parents Are Seeing How
Luca Dellanna on the Power of Adaptation: Adapt or Die
Ceaseless flux. Those are words Ludwig von Mises used to describe the perpetual change in business conditions that entrepreneurs experience. The consequent need, he told us, is for a process of constant adjustment. The current word for that process is
Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines
Vaccine mandates are not a new invention, and states have long pushed a narrative exaggerating the success of mandates in the past. Original Article: "Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated
We’re All Talking about Inflation, but Deflation May Also Be on the Way
Most recent data continue to show a visible acceleration in "price inflation," with the yearly growth rate of the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) rising to 6.2 percent in October from 5.4 percent in September and 1.2 percent in October of last
No, Inflation Is Not Good for You
According to the Marxists and their fellow travelers, inflation is good because it transfers wealth from creditors to debtors, and debtors are "the 99 percent." But inflation doesn't work that way. Original Article: "No, Inflation Is Not Good for You" This Audio
The REAL ID Means a Real Leviathan
While 9/11 is mainly forgotten, a deafening trumpet announces the presence of other supposed crises, such as covid and climate change. The Leviathan is now excited and encouraged by the possibilities of new rules and new IDs. Original Article: "The REAL
The Forgotten Man
The type and formula of most schemes of philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a
This Professor Hates the Austrian School. But He Clearly Doesn’t Know Much about It.
Capitalism vs. Freedom: The Toll Road to Serfdomby Rob LarsonZero Books, 2018, 233 pp. Rob Larson, who is a professor of economics at Tacoma Community College in Washington, does not agree with Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, and Friedman that the free market
The US Misery Index Shows How Weak This Recovery Is
United States consumer confidence has plummeted to a decade-low in November. The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index fell to 66.8 in November, down sharply from the October figure of 71.7 and well below consensus forecasts of 72.4. Inflation is hurting
Introduction to Natural Law
This article is excerpted from the first 5 chapters of The Ethics of Liberty. Audio versions of these chapters, read by Jeff Riggenbach, are available for download. 1. Natural Law and Reason (Listen to MP3) Among intellectuals who consider themselves "scientific," the phrase "the