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President Biden's recent call to "buy American" is doomed to failure, just like all other protectionist schemes. Original Article: "Biden versus Bastiat" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. 

Human Rights: Fact or Fancy?by Henry B. VeatchLSU Press, 1985; xii + 258 pp. Henry Veatch was one of the foremost philosophers of the twentieth century, though sadly neglected by most contemporary analytic philosophers. He was a resolute defender of Aristotelian

[Excerpt from chapter 7 of Power and Market in Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market, pp. 1308–12.] Probably the most common ethical criticism of the market economy is that it fails to achieve the goal of equality. Equality has

Rest in peace, "technolibertarianism." There was a time when many believed tech entrepreneurs would usher in a new era of freedom. Unfortunately, the new tech elites are technocratic collaborators with the regime. Original Article: "When the Private Sector Is the Enemy" This