The Bureaucrat as a Voter
The bureaucrat is not only a government employee. He is, under a democratic constitution, at the same time a voter and as such a part of the sovereign, his employer. He is in a peculiar position: he is both employer
Monetary Savings versus Real Savings
According to the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) the US personal savings rate stood at 13.6 percent in February 2021 against 8.3 percent in February 2020. Since consumption expenditure is considered as the driving force of the economy, obviously a strengthening
How Markets Have Delivered More Economic Equality
I recently attended the Soho Forum debate between (democratic socialist) Ben Burgis and (libertarian) Gene Epstein on the question of whether capitalism or socialism would lead to the most prosperity, equality, and liberty. Ben took it for granted that a socialist
The Debate over the Scope of National Power
[Chapter 15 of Rothbard's newly edited and released Conceived in Liberty, vol. 5, The New Republic: 1784–1791.] At the end of May [of 1787], the convention approved with little debate the severely national power granted to Congress, including the absolute power to act when
A Jobless Recovery Is Coming to Europe
The destruction of the free market, competition, and innovation may seem appealing to some now, but the likely outcome of poor employment, negative real wage growth, and stagnation should be a real cause of concern. Original Article: "A Jobless Recovery Is
Stephan Livera Interviews Bob Murphy on the Economics of Bitcoin
Stephan Livera hosts a popular podcast on Bitcoin and Austrian economics. He recently had Bob on to discuss, appropriately enough, the economics of Bitcoin from an Austrian perspective. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Stephan Livera’s YouTube pageBob and Silas
Clinicians and Probabilistic Reasoning, with Dan Morgan
Our guest is Dan Morgan, MD, MS, a physician and epidemiologist in Baltimore, Maryland. He is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Chief Hospital Epidemiologist at the Baltimore VAMC, and a fellow
It’s Time to End the Embargo against Cuba
Now that Cuban president Raul Castro has resigned the presidency of Cuba, will the U.S. government lift its six-decades-long economic embargo against Cuba? Don’t count it. Squeezing the life out of the Cuban people as a way to get regime change
Bart Jackson on How to Be CEO
Bart Jackson is a CEO, and has studied the job and the people in it via thousands of survey responses and hundreds of interviews and multiple collaborations all over the world over many years. He’s distilled his findings in two
The Enemy Is Always the State
One day, the Institute publishes an article criticizing Republicans. The Left cheers, but the Rights denounces us. The next day we criticize Democrats and the Right cheers while the Left is enraged. Yet our position is always consistently against the