The Market, Part 1
[Editor's Note: In this very important chapter 15 of Human Action (the first half of which is presented here), Mises explains what the market really is - a process where millions of individuals interact through voluntary exchanges - and how
The US Chip Blockade against China Is Creating Unplanned Consequences
The US trade and tech wars against China continued under President Joe Biden, who escalated export controls related to technology. The US wants to cut China’s access to advanced semiconductors and the equipment used to manufacture them in order to
In the Red: The Federal Reserve’s Portfolio Joins the Rest of the Market
The Federal Reserve has not only mismanaged the US economy; even its own "portfolio" is underwater. Original Article: "In the Red: The Federal Reserve’s Portfolio Joins the Rest of the Market" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
To UBI or Not to UBI, That Is the Question
In recent decades, proposals for a universal basic income (UBI) have aroused a good deal of attention, but supporters of the free market have for the most part been averse to the idea. In his article “A Hayekian Case for
The REAL Solution to the Coming Economic Crisis
As the economy moves into recession, we should understand how we got there and what is needed to bring about a quick and lasting recovery. Original Article: "The REAL Solution to the Coming Economic Crisis" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by
It’s Not Discrimination, Even When the Government Claims Otherwise
Unjust discrimination can be costly for businesses and the broader economy. Businesses that refuse to hire applicants based on traits like sex and race limit society’s ability to harness human capital to produce innovations. Economies perform best when labor and
That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen
In the department of economy, an act, a habit, an institution, a law, gives birth not only to an effect, but to a series of effects. Of these effects, the first only is immediate; it manifests itself simultaneously with its
Free Markets DO Work in Developing Countries
The standard line from progressives is that free markets usually fail in developing countries. The economic numbers tell a much different story. Original Article: "Free Markets DO Work in Developing Countries" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Can We Fix the Economy?
Jeff and Bob record a special Thanksgiving episode for Money Talk 1010 AM on what it really takes to fix the US economy. Mark Thornton on the coming economic crisis: Listen to Jeff on Money Talk 1010 every Thursday at 9:00am
A (True) Thanksgiving Tale of Socialism in America and Israel
The United States and Israel have each had (and are having) their experiences with socialism. One country learned its lesson (at least once upon a time), while the other did not. The experiences these two countries have had with socialism are