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House Votes on Three Spending Bills—Agriculture Plan Fails!

The House of Representatives has recently passed three spending bills, but were unsuccessful in trying to pass the fourth. The three successful bills, H.R. 7617, H.R. 7618, and H.R. 7620, consist of $900 billion in emergency budget for 2021. It includes expenses for transportation, pandemic response, and security. The bill that failed to pass is the agricultural spending bill, otherwise known as the Agriculture Improvement bill. This bill was proposed in an effort to provide additional aid to farmers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The bill was blocked by the Senate Republicans who stated that it contained wasteful spending. Many Democrats are criticizing the Republicans’ decision to block the bill, claiming that it was needed to provide much-needed assistance for farmers during the pandemic. They argue that the bill could have helped to ensure that farmers have access to the resources necessary for them to continue operation in the coming months. However, Senate Republicans say they will only pass the bill if the cost is lowered to an acceptable level. The Republicans have proposed a $23 billion dollar limit, which Democrats feel is too low. At the same time, President Trump has urged Congress to pass the bill and provide relief to farmers. He says the bill will help stimulate the agricultural sector and provide additional resources to farmers. As of yet, there is still no resolution as both sides remain far apart. However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has expressed confidence that a resolution can be reached in the near future. For now, it remains unclear when or if a compromise can be reached. Overall, the House of Representatives recently passed three spending bills but was unable to pass the fourth. The Agricultural bill failed to pass after Senate Republicans announced they would not approve the bill unless the cost is lowered to an acceptable level. At the same time, President Trump has called on Congress to pass the bill and provide relief to farmers. The bill remains in a state of limbo, as both sides seem far apart in their negotiations.