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“Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Risky Rise: How the Right’s Bet Could Blow Up In their Faces

The stunning elevation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a controversial environmental activist, to the right of President Trump has caused consternation among prominent Republicans. They fear this could now backfire on the GOP. Kennedy Jr., the son of former senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, has been an environmental champion for decades, promoting alternative energy and pushing for the protection of rivers, mountains, and endangered species. He was also a leading proponent of the “Keep It in the Ground” movement, which argued that the U.S. government should stop allowing new oil and gas drilling in national parks and public lands. The surprising move of naming Kennedy Jr. to a powerful White House panel was met with skepticism by many conservatives. While they appreciated Kennedy Jr.’s views on some environmental issues, they couldn’t overlook his strong advocacy for stringent regulations on industry, such as the Clean Power Plan, the Obama-era policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There were also concerns about Kennedy Jr.’s past comments on the impacts of climate change, as well as his criticisms of capitalism and President Trump. These fears were only compounded by President Trump’s call for rolling back long-established environmental protections, such as the Clean Water Rule. This has many wondering whether Kennedy Jr.’s presence on the panel could have any real impact, or whether it is simply a gesture aimed at appeasing the environmental lobby. There’s also the risk that Kennedy Jr. could use his position to further his own agenda. This could lead to more tension between the White House and the GOP, as well as further deepening the rift between the party’s old guard and its newly arrived populists. In short, while Kennedy Jr.’s appointment has been praised by some sectors of the environmental movement, there is still a great deal of unease among Republicans. It remains to be seen whether Kennedy Jr.’s presence on the panel will backfire on the GOP and hinder the Trump administration’s efforts on environmental issues.