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High Court To Decide: Can Disability Activists Take Legal Action Against Hotels Following Online Searches?

The legal battle of disabled rights activists against hotel owners has been taken up by a district court in recent weeks after a disability rights group complained that online searching was not beneficial to them. The High Court of the United States has agreed to hear the case, which revolves around the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The case in question involves members of the disability rights organization, California Disabled Rights Action Committee (CDRA), filing a suit against an undisclosed hotel company. The CDRA argued that it found the hotel’s website and online searching system in violation of the ADA’s requirements for public accommodations. The suit similarly states that the infringement on their rights to use the full range of the website or search system has limited the ability of disabled people to find hotels that can meet their needs. Hotels have defended their website practices, stating that they have met all the necessary requirements for public accommodation under the ADA. They contend that the website and the search system provide accommodations in a reasonable manner, making it accessible for people with disabilities. The High Court will decide this case, which could potentially set a landmark legal precedent. If the court decides that disabled people do have the right to sue hotels over online searching, it could open up a whole new area of civil rights litigation for groups seeking to defend the rights of disabled and discriminated against people. The decision could also play an important role in helping disabled people find the accommodations they need in order to have an enjoyable and comfortable travel experience. This case should certainly be watched closely as it has the potential to be a major turning point indisabled rights.