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an aide “Commander In Dis-Bite: White House Expels Biden’s New Dog After Nipping an Aide

In a not-so-unusual turn of events, the Biden family has welcomed and then banished a controversial second canine, Commander, just one month after President Joe Biden’s inauguration. The four-month-old German Shepherd-mix was adopted from a Delaware animal shelter. Initially, the adoption of the dog was thought to be a possibly unifying move of the Biden family’s part, as the first family did not have a pet on inauguration day. It was unclear how long Commander had been at the shelter, but he did not take long to begin bonding with President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and their two granddaughters. In a statement released by the White House, President Biden said, “We are all certainly heartbroken by the incident with Commander,” referring to the dog’s biting incident that took place on March 8th, 2021. During the incident, one of the President’s medical aides was apparently bitten by Commander, and had to receive medical attention. Not long after the incident, Commander was sent back to the Delaware animal shelter from which he was adopted. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented on the incident saying, “The Bidens have deep affection for their domestic animals and they have obviously a great deal of respect for the safety and facilities of those living with them in the White House. They were unsuccessful in this case.” The Biden family, however, have not turned their backs on Commander. They are still keeping in touch with him, possibly to keep track of his progress and aid him in transition as he seeks a new home. As stated in the statement released by the White House said, “They love him and want him to find his forever home,” so the Biden family’s commitment to finding the best possible home for Commander is clear. In the meantime, the first family’s decision to suddenly give up their rescue may send a strong message not only to Commander’s future owners, but also to the rest of the American people. It seems that President Joe Biden is doing his best to be an example of peaceful but wise leadership—even when it comes to his beloved pets.