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“Biden Takes Flight to War-Ravaged Middle East: The Physical Risks He’s Braving

The Middle East, long defined by its deeply entrenched international conflicts, is now facing the challenge of a President of the United States, Joe Biden, that has traveled to the region in a bid to de-escalate the tensions. With a background in diplomatic policy, Biden is the perfect candidate to take his administration’s message to the heart of political turmoil. Unfortunately, Biden’s visit presents a host of physical risks. From political instability, to untested security, and even the looming threat of terrorism, the risk of travel to such a hot-spot region has become all too real. As a result, the United States government is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of the President. These measures range from deploying Secret Service and military personnel to accompany the President, to installing enhanced air safety measures to minimize any danger related to flying over hostile territory. Both of these approaches have been used in the past with varying degrees of success, but improvements can still be made to guarantee the security of the President and accompanying personnel. In addition to the conventional security methods, the United States government has started to explore the idea of remotely-controlled aircraft for use in diplomatic missions. This technology is still in the early stages, but the concept is being competitively developed to enhance security and allow for rapid, safe overflight of potentially dangerous areas. The technology is certain to become critical to security, and may even revolutionize international travel for American officials. For now, the United States government will remain vigilant in the pursuit of safely conducting diplomatic business in the Middle East. President Joe Biden is standing at the precipice of a new era of foreign policy, and his upcoming visit will serve as a critical test of the government’s ability to ensure his safe arrival and objectives for the journey. While the risks are real, the US is taking all necessary steps to ensure a successful mission and the safety of its citizens.