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“Bernie Sanders Calls on Nonprofit Hospitals to Give Greater Charity Care

As healthcare continues to be a prominent issue across the United States, there is a growing focus on reforming the system. Bernie Sanders, the U.S. Senator from Vermont, is one of the leading voices in the healthcare debate, and recently he has released a proposal that could help those in need. Sanders has proposed that all nonprofit hospitals provide minimum requirements of charity care. His goal is to increase healthcare access to the millions of individuals who lack insurance coverage or are otherwise unable to afford treatment. He believes that this mandate will help close the gap between those that have access to the system and those who do not. Under this proposal, all nonprofit hospitals would be required to provide care to those in the most need, free of charge or on a sliding scale of expense. This could mean a major overhaul in the capacity of care such hospitals must provide, and many healthcare experts have already been critical of the plan. The idea that nonprofit hospitals should provide a certain amount of charity care is not a new one, but Sanders’ proposal is unique in that it gives a clear definition of what is required. Although the plan has yet to be widely discussed in Congress, Sanders has vowed to continue pushing for it until it is approved. At a time when access to quality healthcare remains a major issue, Sanders’ plan could have a major impact for millions of individuals. And while the plan has its critics, it is clear that he is pushing for the right thing. Hopefully, with enough support, his idea to help the most vulnerable will come to fruition.