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“Biden Blitz! Team Explores Extra Ad Buys Amid Election Woes

As President-elect Joe Biden’s team shifts its focus to the transition of power from the Trump Administration, they are also looking at ways to increase their presence in the polls as part of an effort to maintain his lead into January. The Biden team is considering buying additional prime-time advertising, to ensure their messaging reaches a broader audience. One of the areas being considered for additional ad buys is radio. Team Biden has already invested heavily in digital media, including purchases on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms. Polls in critical swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin have been consistently showing Biden ahead. The Biden team has expressed concerns, however, that the support for the President-elect might be softening ahead of the November 3rd election. Biden’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon, described the situation to CNN as “very close margins in the states that will decide this election”. The rise in polling questions has prompted the Biden campaign to take a more proactive stance. Focusing on ad expenditure looks likely to be a key part of that initiative, and is a positive sign of the team’s readiness ahead of the election. The campaign has reportedly already spent tens of millions on television ads, but is exploring the potential benefits of expanding to radio to reach even more voters. The Biden campaign is also targeting the small number of swing voters that remain undecided. Early voting numbers have already hit record highs this year, leaving only a small pool of voters who have yet to express their views. Additional ad buys could be a critical tool to help reach undecided voters, and persuade them to back the Biden-Harris ticket. It is unclear exactly how much the Biden campaign could spend on radio advertising, but it could represent a major boost in his effort to secure the presidency. With the stakes high, the Biden team is likely to accelerate their spending on any outlet that can help them maintain the polling lead they currently enjoy.