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“Trump Troika Aims for ‘Knockout Blow’ in Iowa! Haley, DeSantis Vie for Second Spot

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign looks set to score big in Iowa on Tuesday, as delegates cast their votes in the state’s first-in-the-nation Republican primary. The campaign has made a point of targeting Iowa during its nationwide push to re-energize a loyal base of supporters. Trump traveled to the state twice in the past month, while his son Donald Jr. and other surrogates have also been on the ground in Iowa, engaging with voters and rallying support. The campaign believes that if it can score a decisive win in Iowa, it will send a powerful message to the rest of the nation that President Trump is a sure bet for re-election in November. With two major candidates – South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and former Florida Congressman Ron Desantis – jockeying for a strong finish in the primary, it will be a tight race for second place. Haley, who announced her candidacy for president last month, has campaigned vigorously in Iowa and made the state a major focus of her candidacy. Desantis, who has roots in the state, has been courting conservative voters with his combative rhetoric on immigration and social issues. Regardless of the outcome, the campaign believes a strong showing for Trump in Iowa will mark a significant milestone in the 2020 election. Joining Colorado, Ohio, and Nevada, Iowa would be the fourth state to effectively put Trump on his way to a second term. The campaign is not taking any chances, however. While delegates have already started casting votes for their chosen candidates, the Trump camp is making sure its surrogates have been present across the state, holding pop up rallies and Barnstorming events. The race in Iowa is heating up and all eyes are on the Trump campaign’s efforts to score the first major victory of the 2020 cycle. It remains to be seen whether the President can deliver a knockout blow or whether a challenger will emerge victorious.