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Iowa Gov. Reynolds Fires At Trump As She Boosts DeSantis

In a surprise move, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has openly challenged President Donald Trump by giving public support to Ron DeSantis in the upcoming gubernatorial elections in Florida. Governor Reynolds, a Republican, had been seen as a close ally of the President. While her endorsement of DeSantis comes as a surprise to some, it reveals a logical conclusion: Reynolds is looking after the best interests of Iowa, not just toeing the party line. The President recently endorsed DeSantis’ rival, Adam Putnam, for the party’s nomination. Putnam, the state’s Agriculture Commission, has had a prominent career in politics and it seemed that Trump’s endorsement would be a powerful boost in his bid for Governor. However, Governor Reynolds believes that DeSantis would be more beneficial for the state of Iowa and has declared public support for the Florida congressman. According to a statement from the governor’s spokesman, Pat Garrett, Governor Reynolds is still a “staunch supporter of President Trump” but her endorsement of DeSantis — someone she knows well — was an individual decision, not a party-wide one. He said, “The governor has long believed that endorsements should be made based on who’s the best candidate, notwithstanding party.” Reynolds is the first GOP governor to back DeSantis, and her endorsement could provide a much-needed boost to his campaign. DeSantis has long been viewed as a rising star within the party and is seen as a strong leader with conservative values. It’s clear that Governor Reynolds isn’t simply following party lines — she’s looking out for what she believes is best for her state. Her decision to back DeSantis reveals her independent spirit and preference for measured decision-making over habit. Governor Reynolds may well have inadvertently revealed a path forward for other GOP governors: choose candidates you believe have the best interests of the state in mind, rather than simply being a puppet for the President.