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“Mitch McConnell: Will He Answer This Moment’s Cry?

A Moment of Reflection for Mitch McConnell For many in America, the name Mitch McConnell is not one of pleasant connotations. His perceived obstructionism and partisanship has become a symbol for the worst of Washington politics. But despite his reputation, regardless of what one might think of him, there is still a kernel of respect that must be given to the legacy of the Senate Majority Leader. After claiming Kentucky’s senate seat in 1984, McConnell rose quickly to GOP leadership roles. Within ten years he became the Senate Majority Whip, and that same year he famously declared, “My name is not Republican, my name is Senator, and I come to do a job.” McConnell’s career as a statesman was a long and often difficult one, especially in the face of a Democratic White House no matter which party was in charge. Through his 30-year career as a powerful member of Congress, McConnell has survived the anti-Washington sentiment of the Tea Party and President Trump, all while managing to maintain his political power. Ultimately, he has come to be a symbol of the Republican establishment in Washington, a manifestation of a Washington irremovable yet inescapable to all who traverse the political aisle With his retirement in 2021, Mitch McConnell’s time in Washington is almost up. But what lingers unspoken is a sense of appreciation for his dedication to public service, and no matter one’s political views, all those who tread the halls of power in Congress must take a moment to reflect on his legacy. Though McConnell has had a career of controversy and contention, he still commanded respect from friend and foe alike. Whatever may have been said about McConnell, there exists an appreciation for his tenacity and commitment, and for his striving to create a better country. We may not know exactly what will become of McConnell’s legacy, but we can still find solace in the experience of his tenure in Washington. He has stuck to his principles while managing the complexities of the political world. It’s for a moment like these that we must look within and feel the impact of his leadership. This moment does not necessarily cry out for Mitch McConnell, but it’s a reminder of how much we can learn from the career of the man who put the GOP on his back for three decades. And no matter where we stand in this moment, we must recognize that even though the times have changed, McConnell’s place will be forever remembered in America’s capacity for leadership.