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“Trump Blazes the Trail in New Hampshire as Haley Soars Ahead – Post-Monmouth Poll Reveals

U.S. President Donald Trump is leading in the Granite State according to the latest Monmouth poll, while former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is seeing a boost in support. The Monmouth poll, released on Monday, shows Trump leading among likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters with 40 percent support. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani comes in second place with 21 percent. Haley is gaining notice with 6 percent support, putting her in third place. Though Trump leads in the poll, his support is lower than it was during the November 2018 Monmouth poll, when he enjoyed 50 percent support from likely primary voters. Giuliani also saw a small drop in support since the November poll. When it comes to potential Republican opponents in the general election, Haley appears to have gained more traction. She posted a strong showing against Democrats Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren in both the April Monmouth poll and the November poll. In the April Monmouth poll, Haley beats Biden 49 to 43 percent, Bernie Sanders 51 to 42, and Elizabeth Warren 51 to 40. In the match-ups against Biden, Sanders, and Warren, Trump has lower support than Haley in all three. In the April Monmouth poll, he narrowly edges out Biden 44 to 42 percent but is behind Bernie Sanders 44 to 48 and Elizabeth Warren 42 to 47 percent. These results are surprising in light of Trump’s lead in the Republican primary. But they suggest that, regardless of Trump’s current popularity, Haley could be an attractive alternative for voters looking for a different kind of Republican. Though she was previously a high-ranking official in the Trump administration, she has since become a vocal critic of the president and a vocal supporter of criminal justice reform. The April Monmouth University poll surveying 403 likely New Hampshire primary voters was conducted between April 1-6, 2020. The poll has a +/- 4.9 percent margin of error.