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Haley: “6 Week Abortion Ban– I’ll Sign it!

As former South Carolina governor and current Nikki Haley successor Henry McMaster seeks re-election, Haley recently said that she would sign a six-week abortion ban. The bill, which was rejected last week, would have made it illegal for women to get an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Governor McMaster has openly expressed his pro-life stance and has endorsed the proposed bill. Haley’s new position has caused division between Republicans in the state and outraged women’s rights groups, who oppose the bill. This comes after Haley vetoed a bill last year that would have defunded clinics that offer abortion care. The move has been widely criticized by Democrats in the state and across the US. While many Republicans are in support of the bill, some express concerns over the lack of information provided by Haley. In a statement to the press, Haley emphasized her support for women and acknowledged the rights of women to make their own decisions about their bodies. However, she made it clear that she believes in protecting unborn life and will continue to support efforts that do so. The move to impose a ban on abortions after this six-week window could have dire consequences for women in South Carolina. It puts private medical decisions into the hands of the government and could further restrict access to safe and legal abortion services. It appears that Haley, McMaster and others in the state are attempting to prohibit abortions and severely limit access to reproductive care despite the passage of action from the Supreme Court guaranteeing a woman’s right to choose. Despite the proposed six-week abortion ban, Haley and other Republicans have promised to continue supporting other programs that protect women’s health and safety. Time will tell if this promise is kept.