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Uncovering What Lies Beneath: Trump Lawyers Digging Deep into U.S. Election Fraud Claims

The election of 2020 has undoubtedly been a contentious one. With many parties claiming voter fraud and irregularities across the country, President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has now announced plans to begin probing into the U.S. Government’s handling of the election. Giuliani has been particularly vocal in recent weeks over his belief that fraud and irregularities took place during the general election, and that the government didn’t do anything to stop it. During a press conference this past week, the former mayor of New York City went into more detail about his concerns. “We’re going to look at the conduct of the election in every single way. We’re going to look at the laws and procedures that were violated,” said Giuliani. He went on to mention he wants to figure out if the government indeed took appropriate action in addressing any fraud or irregularities that could have taken place. This comes in the wake of the Supreme Court decision to keep Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting laws in place. During that process, the proceedings ended up falling in favor of the President, whom reportedly was disappointed in the outcome. At the press conference, Giuliani said his legal team is looking into all avenues of potential misconduct or mistakes. He is calling for the cooperation of government systems to make sure further investigations can be conducted to protect the integrity of the Election process. With the Electoral College meeting to cast their votes for President this December, it is important for voters to know that the election was conducted fairly and without any proof of wrong-doing. Through this investigation, the Trump campaign is hoping to uncover potential fraud or irregularities that could have been overlooked, and work to make sure the validity of the election is preserved.