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“McCarthy’s Tense Phone Call with Trump After ‘Forced Ouster’ Revealed!

On Friday, former White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly revealed a terse phone call he had with President Donald Trump, shortly after he was relieved of his position by the president. In a closed-door meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kelly recalled how his conversation with Trump ended abruptly after he offered his thoughts on the matter. According to several sources, Kelly was pushed out months earlier than he preferred and he wanted to make his feelings known to the president. “As I told the president, I was disappointed that he chose to terminate my employment but, I accepted his decision and wished him the best for the country going forward,” Kelly stated before the committee. Trump reportedly then attempted to end the call abruptly but Kelly continued, undaunted. “I then offered what I thought was my best advice on how to do things differently in the future. That’s when the President, quite oddly, cut me off and abruptly ended the call,” Kelly alleged. The details of Kelly’s account to the Senate Judiciary Committee came to light after news broke that the former Chief of Staff had been silencing dissenters within the Trump administration and had clashed openly with other key advisers from the White House. The news of Kelly’s phone call with Trump has certainly raised eyebrows, however, it remains to be seen whether it will result in any major political implications moving forward. What does appear clear, though, is that Trump is seemingly unwilling to takeaway anything from the experience, despite some of his advisors’ attempts to open his eyes to the possibility.