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“Liz Cheney – Can She Shake Up The Presidential Race?

As President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign draws to a close, Liz Cheney is being mentioned increasingly as a third party presidential candidate for the November 3rd election. The Wyoming Congresswoman, and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has been an outspoken critic of the Trump administration throughout her tenure in the House, voting for his impeachment and publicly sparring with the president’s senior advisors. Cheney has been an advocate for a strong domestic foreign policy in the face of Trump’s sometimes controversial international decisions. Her idea of America First has brought her into direct conflict with the President, leading many to speculate that she could run for the White House herself. Over the past few months, Cheney has made appearances in various interviews and news programs, discussing her policy stances and ideas for a third party presidential run. With a bumper sticker campaign already in progress, she has made her ambitions very clear. In her own words, Cheney has stressed that she is a “conservative with a conscience” and that she is “not standing by and allowing the character of our nation, or the Republican Party, to be put in jeopardy.” The Wyoming Congresswoman has been heavily critical of Trump’s presidential style, as well as other prominent Republicans who have refused to criticize him. She believes that it is time for the GOP to offer an alternative to the increasingly belligerent status quo that the president has created. Naturally, Cheney’s ambitions for the White House have caused a stir in the political scene. Both the Republican and Democratic Parties have heavily criticized her plans. Still, she has no intentions of backing down. Whether or not Liz Cheney actually runs for President is yet to be seen. But regardless of the outcome, she has certainly stirred up the conversation regarding the state of the Republican Party and the future of America.