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“Gunning for the Gold: The Jam-Packed Race for Rep. Wexton’s Seat in Northern Virginia

As former Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton prepares to take up her post as Virginia’s new Attorney General, the race to fill her spot in Congress heats up. Several notable candidates from both parties are vying to replace Wexton in a district that includes much of Northern Virginia. For the Democratic Party, these contenders include state Senator John Bell, Del. Danica Roem, former Obama administration official Alison Kiehl Friedman, and Michelle Bruce, a member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Bell, Roem and Friedman all have name recognition and long records of service, while Bruce has deep ties to local governments. On the Republican side, the primary contenders are former state Delegate Tim Hugo, real estate executive Floreen Marker, and 2014 Senate nominee Howie Lind. Hugo and Lind are both experienced politicians, while Marker touts her business background and has strong fundraising capabilities. No matter which party emerges triumphant in the race to replace Wexton, the district can expect to have a representative with deep local ties, as well as a thoughtful, practical approach to tackling policy issues. The campaign has already gotten off to a promising start. In her exiting message, Wexton said, “In this next race, and every race after, let our values guide us and let’s continue to fight for what’s right.” Whoever succeeds Wexton will have a lot to live up to, but there are promising prospects in both parties. As the race progresses, the district will have plenty of qualified candidates to choose from.