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Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out GOP-Friendly Legislative Maps: A Supreme Verdict?

In a landmark ruling on Monday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court voted 5-2 to overturn the state’s Republican-favored legislative maps. This decision by the high court marks a major win for Democrats who have spent years arguing that the districting process was tainted by partisan gerrymandering. The decision deals a significant blow to the GOP, who had enacted the new maps in 2011 after they took control of the legislature in the 2010 midterm elections. The prior maps, which were passed in 2010, were primarily the work of Democrat-led lawmakers and had been in place since 2002. The maps char gerrymandering by the GOP were designed to give them an electoral advantage in the statewide elections. The Republican majority in the legislature had argued that their districting plan was an improvement on the prior one because it created more competitive districts. However, a group of Democratic citizens who filed the suit contended that the maps were the result of partisan influence that had the effect of skewing elections in favor of the GOP. This argument was echoed by the court’s majority opinion, which asserted that the maps were a “blatant political gerrymander”. The court’s decision revises the existing district maps and is not expected to affect state nomination papers or voting on June 8th. The new court-appointed map will be used in the November elections. In the aftermath of the ruling, Republican senators have expressed disappointment and filed a motion for reconsideration. Democrats meanwhile have celebrated the court’s decision, noting that it will help to restore democracy in the state. The decision could spell trouble for Republicans hopeful of maintaining their majority in the state legislature. The Wisconsin Supreme Court victory is a major win for democracy and sets a powerful precedent for similar cases around the country. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of fair and equitable districting practices, and a victory for those seeking justice and equality in the elections process.