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Throw It and See: Republicans’ Year of Accusations Against Biden

The 2020 election is quickly approaching, and legislative candidates from across the nation are making it clear they will not let Democrats go unscathed this year. In particular, Republicans have aimed many accusations at President Joe Biden and his policies. In short, this election year has become the year of Republicans throwing accusations against Biden up against the wall to see what sticks. At the beginning of Biden’s term, the GOP’s goal was to target his tax policies in hopes of curbing his authority. They argued that Biden’s plans would increase taxes on businesses, leading to decreased job creation and, ultimately, slower economic growth. However, Biden’s tax policies haven’t had as much of an impact as the Republicans claimed, and the economy has been steadily rebounding since the pandemic set in last year. Now, Republicans are focusing their criticism on Biden’s immigration policies. In particular, they have accused Biden of not doing enough to secure the US-Mexico border. They argue that his administration hasn’t addressed illegal immigration in a serious way, and that this has created an environment where drug and human trafficking continue to take place. GOP representatives have also targeted Biden on his trade policies. Republicans have accused Biden of allowing other countries to take advantage of the United States by reducing trade barriers and putting US businesses at a disadvantage. Additionally, the GOP has been critical of Biden’s environmental policies. Republican lawmakers have argued that Biden’s efforts to combat climate change have gone too far, and that they are causing economic hardship for certain industries such as the fossil fuel industry. Republicans have also suggested that Biden’s regulations have made it harder for American businesses to expand, and have increased prices for consumers. Finally, Republicans have accused Biden of not taking the necessary steps to address the US fiscal deficit. They argue that Biden’s plans have only added to the national debt, and have put the country’s long-term economic security at risk. This election year, Republicans have been relentless in their criticism of Biden. While some of their criticisms may have smeared Biden’s record, others have raised legitimate concerns about his policies. Nevertheless, it has become clear that the GOP is determined to make sure their criticisms are heard. Whether Biden will be able to withstand all of these attacks remains to be seen.