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“1 in 4 Americans Suspect FBI Behind Jan. 6 Traumatic Events: Post-UMD Poll

A recent survey has revealed that a large percentage of Americans believe that the FBI instigated the events of January 6th. According to the Washington Post-University of Maryland poll, 25 percent of Americans believe that FBI involvement was behind the attack on the US Capitol that occurred on January 6th. This is a significant increase from the 11 percent of Americans who held this opinion in February of 2021. The survey also revealed that 59 percent of Republicans and 15 percent of Democrats believed that the FBI instigated the attack. These findings suggest that many Americans have a drastically different perception of the incident, depending on their political leanings. The survey also found that nearly 40 percent of Americans believe that the attack was relatively spontaneous, or the result of a “few bad apples” rather than premeditated. This figure is slightly lower than the 43 percent found in the February survey, suggesting that some opinions changed as more information surfaced. Despite these dissenting views, the vast majority of Americans still believe that Donald Trump was responsible for the attack. The survey showed that 85 percent of Americans hold the former president accountable. The survey also showed that there is a divide between the public and the political class on the issue. While nine out of 10 members of Congress voted to impeach Donald Trump, many of their constituents are more skeptical; only eight out of ten of the public opposed Trump’s involvement. The survey results show that the events of January 6th are still resonating deeply with the American public and that there are deep divisions in the way the attack is perceived. It is clear that the nation still has a long way to go in healing the rifts caused by the attack.