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“Reagan’s Rule Revived? GOP Candidates Embrace the Gipper, But Could He Survive Trump’s Takeover?

In the current political climate, Republican candidates attempt to win voter support by embracing former President Reagan’s messages of patriotism, government responsibility, and small government. But, analysts believe that Reagan would likely not be in step with the GOP of today, particularly under the Trump presidency. The 40th president of the United States embodied many Republican ideals, with strong emphasis on tax cuts, reduced regulation, and militaristic foreign policy. He was often referred to as the “Great Communicator” for his tendency to reach out across party lines and find bipartisan agreements. Reagan was a champion of the American public, and his legacy continues to stand tall in GOP circles. However, many of President Reagan’s policies have gone out of favor in the Trump era. The White House’s current strategies have strayed away from Reagan’s often diplomatic approaches to negotiations and political compromises. In contrast to Reagan’s policies of inclusivity, the Trump administration has been more focused on drawing sharp lines for the country’s leadership to follow. These sharp distinctions are also seen in national security policy, immigration and economic policy. Republican candidates seeking to energize potential voters are more likely to echo the Reagan era, even though his philosophies would not necessarily follow the current Republican party under Donald Trump. Ron Reagan Jr., the son of the former president, has noted the divide between the two eras: “It’s not the same party by any means. If he were around today, my father would be on the outside looking in because he had an independent streak and he wouldn’t be as interested in serving a cult of personality.” Although Donald Trump’s GOP is still widely referred to as a “Reagan Republican” party, many of his strategies and beliefs have been wildly inconsistent with President Reagan’s legacy. The question for Republicans is whether they attempt to shift back to the Reagan-era approaches, as many candidates seem to be attempting this election season, or maintain their current strategies in order to survive re-election efforts. Whatever the strategy is, the rift between President Reagan’s politics and the GOP of Donald Trump will be a major factor in the upcoming election.