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“Court Decides: Alabama’s New Map = Democratic Victory

The federal court in Montgomery, Alabama, recently released a congressional map for the 2020 election. The new map, which is the result of a long-running legal battle between the state legislature and a coalition of democratic groups, is likely to be beneficial for democrats in the upcoming election. The new district lines were released on December 31st, 2019, and are based on the court’s ruling that the state legislature had illegally gerrymandered the map to protect republican candidate victories during the 2012 and 2014 congressional elections. The judges found that the map violated the Constitution’s one-person, one-vote rule, and ordered the state to redraw it. The new map is expected to give democrats an edge in the 2020 election. The new districts have reduced the number of republican-leaning districts from 7 to 6, while creating 2 new legislative districts that lean democrat. This means that democrats are likely to make gains in rural and suburban Alabama areas in the upcoming election. Democratic groups are cautiously optimistic about the new map and the potential for democratic gains. Brandon Bryant, a member of the league of Women Voters of Alabama, said “We are pleased with the court’s decision and believe it will lead to fair representation in Alabama for all citizens.” The decision has been met with criticism from republicans, who argue that the court’s ruling is unfair and exceeds judicial authority. “This decision is an unprecedented restructuring of the congressional maps by the court, without a legal justification for doing so,” said republican state senator Cam Ward. The new congressional map is a milestone in Alabama’s politics, and a victory for democratic groups. Though republicans will still maintain a majority of representation, the new districts could provide much-needed representation in rural and suburban areas. It is also an important reminder of the power of the judicial system in influencing legislative decisions. In this case, the court’s decision was a much-needed reminder that the people’s voices should be heard when creating district lines.