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“Haley & Ramaswamy: A Buzz Among Indian Americans, But Will They Get The Support?

When it comes to politics in the United States, Indian Americans have long been an important voting bloc. However, the 2020 Elections have seen two prominent Indian Americans vying for positions of political power with limited success. Haley and Rama Swamy have been making waves in the political circuit but, from a quick poll of Indian Americans, it appears the two face an uphill battle. Remarkably, the poll revealed that only 7% of Indian Americans to have heard of either candidate. Haley, who is a former mayor of Tempe, Arizona, is running for a Congressional seat in the House of Representatives. He has been touted by political pundits as a strong candidate with impressive credentials. As a member of both the Sikh and Muslim communities, Haley brings a unique experience and perspective to the table. However, his interest in power politics and his opposition to Arizona’s controversial SB1070 have tempered some of his support. Meanwhile, Rama Swamy, currently a successful entrepreneur, is running for a Senate seat in California. While his campaign has been met with a similarly positive response from the media and his local community, his campaign seems to be struggling to gain traction among Indian Americans. Much of this may be due in part to the lack of awareness surrounding these two candidates. As the 2020 election season continues, it will be interesting to see if these two candidates will be able to make headway with the Indian American community and garner more support.