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Revamped Title: Reclaim Your Voice: Biden Campaign Reassures Democrats for the 2020 Election

With the upcoming election only weeks away, Joe Biden’s campaign has been working hard to allay growing Democratic anxiety over the possibility of a narrow victory or even a change in the White House’s occupant. Recent polls have shown Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris leading, some by double digits. While this has encouraged the Democratic faithful, some worry that the race is far closer than expected and that the party could be at risk of an upset win by President Donald Trump. To combat this anxiety, the Biden campaign has launched various initiatives to ensure the best possible outcome. A significant part of this campaign has been focused on driving up the enthusiasm and engagement of the base. The Biden campaign has hosted many virtual events with high-profile speakers, and the Democratic National Committee has proactively sought to involve minority and youth voters in the upcoming election. Additionally, the Biden campaign has taken the unusual step of using targeted television ads to build support in key swing states. As well, the campaign has ‘paired up’ with groups to promote civic engagement among their networks. This strategy appears to be paying off, as Biden has so far received more donor money and out-registered Trump by nearly 2 million votes in some swing states. Biden has also surged in polls of key states, with the biggest gains coming in Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. However, with less than one month to go until election day, Democrats are still anxious that the result could be uncertain and even unpredictable. To ensure the security of the nation’s future, the Biden campaign has been diligently working to ensure as many voters as possible turn out and cast their ballots by November third.