Old and New Development Economics: A Reassessment of Objectives
ABSTRACT: The “new development economics” (also called behavioral development economics) consists of microeconomic experimentation based on behavioral economics and randomized controlled trials. This approach would illuminate the close relationships between preferences, culture, and institutions and point to new political opportunities.
Old and New Development Economics: A Reassessment of Objectives
ABSTRACT: The “new development economics” (also called behavioral development economics) consists of microeconomic experimentation based on behavioral economics and randomized controlled trials. This approach would illuminate the close relationships between preferences, culture, and institutions and point to new political opportunities.
The Great Keynesian Coup of August 1971: Fifty Years Later
On August 15, 1971, the last remains of what had been a magnificent monetary system died a terrible death, and the American academic, political, business, and media elites led the cheers. The Dow Jones Average jumped by more than 32
Eamonn Butler’s Primer on Entrepreneurship and Its Social Good
Entrepreneurship is the great force for social good — in fact, the greatest force for good in the history of civilization. It’s the system of continuously improving the lives of others so we can improve our own lives. Through entrepreneurship,
Classical Economic Theory and the Modern Economy
Classical Economic Theory and the Modern Economyby Steven KatesEdward Elgar, 2020, 264 pp. Per Bylund (per.bylund@okstate.edu) is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise in the School of Entrepreneurship in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State
Media Wars: The Battle to Shape Our Minds
Media Wars: The Battle to Shape Our MindsWalter Donway and Vinay KolhatkarIndependently Published, 2020, 330 pp. William L. Anderson (banderson@frostburg.edu) is professor of economics at Frostburg State University. Even the sunniest optimist would admit that the year 2020 was extremely challenging with
It’s Time to Abolish the Capital Gains Tax
President Biden’s ridiculously high spending proposals require equally ridiculous tax proposals. Among the craziest proposals is a massive increase in the capital gains tax rate. According to the Tax Foundation, Biden’s proposal would raise the top federal rate on capital
The Old Right on War and Peace
As the force of the New Deal reached its heights, both foreign and domestic, during World War II, a beleaguered and tiny libertarian opposition began to emerge and to formulate its total critique of prevailing trends in America. Unfortunately, the
China Won’t Be Taking Over the World
While the US has its problems, future global Chinese supremacy won’t be one. Far from being in a position of overwhelming strength, China and its Communist leadership face imminent multifront domestic crises that will threaten the existence not only of the Chinese
The Seen and the Unseen of Government R&D
GPS. The internet. Airbags. These wonders of modernity have something in common. Without government, many commentators hold, they wouldn’t exist. And perhaps these voices are right. Take GPS, developed by the Department of Defense to enhance coordination among military units. At first the sole